Our values

Our Values

At Luck Ecosystems, our values are the principles of the way we operate our businesses. From the way we work internally each day, to the relationships we foster with our customers and communities, we are guided by four core values.


Takes personal responsibility for the success of self, others, and the organization

  • Model safety, health, and environmental stewardship
  • Do what it takes
  • Pursue excellence
  • Celebrate success


Delivers ideas and innovation that add value

  • Be curious
  • Learn new skills
  • Be open to change
  • Explore and experiment


Earns the trust and respect of others

  • Be honest
  • Do what you say
  • Hold self and others accountable
  • Give and receive feedback


Ignites human potential and performance

  • Value diversity and differences
  • Develop self and others
  • Inspire confidence and optimism
  • Confront issues
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Technical Data Sheets


When you say your material is ‘clean’, what does that mean?

Our soil and sand products are typically screened at either 6mm or 3.75 mm. There are no rocks, sticks, twigs, or other debris in our materials unless they pass through these size screens. 6mm equates to about ¼ inch. 3.75 mm equates to about 1/8 inch. Additionally, our soil products are tested for physical, chemical, and biological consistency.

When you say your material is frequently tested by third-party lab partners, what does that mean?

Every 500-700 tons of product we ship, regarding each of our produced materials, we collect samples and send to independent professional, certified labs, outside of the Luck Ecosystems Central Lab. The independent labs we use are varied. We typically have these labs perform chemical, (pH) nutrient, (macro nutrients, CEC, base saturation) and biological (organic matter) testing on all samples provided.

What makes your soil better than a local source I can get? Isn’t all dirt the same?

Our base material used in the majority of our soil, sand and custom blends is derived from sites where we ensure there has never been heavy industry, military, or other types of pollution introduced to the ecosystem.