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Specialty Sand
We stock and source a variety of specialty sand products to meet the needs of your course or playing surface.
Rootzone and Topdressing
We stock and custom blend a variety of rootzone and topdressing products to meet the needs of your course or playing surface.
For technical information, please call 1-877-904-5825
Yes. Maintaining bio-retention ponds is important to ensure good permeability. The system works by allowing the groundwater to naturally filter through the media. If the bio-retention pond becomes inundated with weeds or debris that do not allow the water to permeate through the surface then the systems will not function properly. Selection of appropriate plants to place in the pond structure is critical to reducing overall maintenance.
Yes. As nitrates in solution, and/or, phosphates travelling in and on sediment are introduced into a biofiltration system, they begin their journey down through the bio soil profile. Some pollutants are captured regarding the physical characteristics of soil, by allowing bridging to occur, trapping pollutants throughout the micro and macro pores. Most pollutants are captured chemically by negatively and positively charged ions, which hold up and bind these elements to the soil colloid. In a relatively short period of time, (days and sometimes hours) soil biology takes over, as microbial critters attack and consume all sorts of introduced pollutants- nitrates and phosphate included. Over a longer period, these pollutants are excreted into the soil profile as digested soil humus.